Icthus Ministries News
Our latest newsletter is now available, and we're excited to share all that happened last year. Please visit our NEWS page to download a copy.

Trust in the LORD with all your heart
and do not lean on your own
In all your ways acknowledge him,
and he will make straight your
paths. (Proverbs 3:5-6 ESV)
Icthus Ministries serves people, churches, youth groups, student organizations, civic organizations and others through our Retreat Center. With the Smoky Mountains as a backdrop, our Center is just the place for experiencing what we call the "5 R's": rest, reflection, reconnection, relationship and recreation.
Guests return year after year because of what they experience while staying at Icthus. And God is at the center of these experiences. Icthus strives to present the gospel of Jesus Christ as it is, to people as they are. It is our prayer that we, as well as all who come here, will bear fruit for His kingdom.
We invite you to tour our web site and learn more about the Retreat Center and our ministry. If you have questions or wish to reserve the Retreat Center for your group, please contact us via email or call us at 828.507.1315.
Our Mission
Our mission is to get people out of their environment so they can hear what God is saying to them, allowing Him to change their lives for His glory.